Free Resources To Get You Started
Only you know the aspects of yourself and your business that need further exploration or fine-tuning.
Whether you are established in your entrepreneurial journey or just starting out, choose the gift that will help you create and elevate your soul-aligned, impactful business.
Join the Free Community
Get Access To Templates, Workshops, networking and More
You’ll get access to my top Notion templates including: your marketing strategy workbook and business vision board, top tech tool recommendations and the School of Self Actualization workshops, plus access to monthly networking events inside a private heartbeat platform. Upgrade at any time to unlock greater access to our directory, forum, monthly workshops and marketing opportunities.
Archetype Quiz And Guide
Identify Your Archetype and How It Can Help Your Business Grow
You have unique gifts and talents to offer, and I have a quiz to help shine a light on them through a set of archetypes, so you can really capitalize on them and thrive. This gift is packaged with an Archetype Embodiment Guide to show you how these qualities can manifest in your business design – as well as where it may be holding you back from an impactful business – and my advice for what to do with this information to sell your brilliance.
Guided Meditations
Explore and Expand Your Discovery of Self
Developing a better relationship with yourself is the foundation for building better relationships with others, which is the heart of any business. My special guided meditations help you along your journey of inner knowing and help facilitate the creation of a truly soul-aligned business. This gift includes access to two meditations: one to visit your higher self, and another to expand and inspire.
About Michele Parad
Michele is a holistic business and embodiment coach who helps conscious entrepreneurs, coaches, healers, and creatives rise above limiting beliefs, social conventions, and an outdated paradigm of entrepreneurship so they can unlock their genius, make quantum leaps in their business, and activate their most magical, abundant, and impactful lives.
With over a decade of delving into the realms of spirituality and holistic healing, an extensive marketing background with innovative startups, Michele is on a mission to co-create and co-elevate a new world, by helping other purpose-driven entrepreneurs launch and scale their soul-aligned businesses — like you.