Michele Parad

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How Can More Of Humanity Become Self-Actualized?


How can More of Humanity become Self-Actualized?

The term self actualization is most often associated with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and is generally thought to be the full realization of one’s creative, intellectual and social potential through internal drive (versus external rewards). Self actualization needs are met when an individual engages in self-development and personal growth. He later expanded on his theory that humans are driven by transcendence needs, or the need to look beyond the self in search for meaning, for example by looking to nature and the cosmos.

While Maslow argued that you need to have your basic needs met first (like food, shelter, self-esteem and love) before you can focus on “higher up” needs, like pursuing your full potential, there have been studies that show that people from cultures all over the world have placed a large importance on self-actualization even when some basic needs were not met.

In fact, Victor Frankl, who wrote Man’s Search for Meaning argued that if a man can find meaning in his life, he can just about survive anything (having himself survived as a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps). Not that we aspire to have those conditions to achieve greatness but it’s just to make the point that anyone can start their path NOW, you don’t have to wait until you become rich, you don’t have to wait until you have a family or soulmate etc., those, in my opinion are excuses for avoiding oneself and ignoring the greatness that we could be.

In Okinawa, Japan, people live the longest, yes in part because of their great diet, but their emphasis on ikigai, or purpose, in life contributes significantly to their longevity. Why is that? I believe it is because when you have something beyond yourself to live for, your desire to stay alive runs so deep, so that you can continue to see your manifestations and actions come to fruition, or to help and affect others.

So how do we become self-actualized? Maslow identified 12 characteristics of self-actualized people, for example that they prioritize the journey not the destination, that they are grateful and that they do not allow themselves to be passively molded by society. It’s not about being perfect in the end, being self-actualized may actually mean to accept our imperfections.

These concepts sound to me like the modern principals of the mindfulness movement which certainly hold truth and meaning to them. But how do we move beyond these basic concepts and up-level our definition so that more of humanity have the tools and aspiration to pursue their passion? Self-actualization should not be reserved for people at the top of a hierarchical pyramid.

If you believe that we are actually all one, or inter-connected parts of a whole, than we should move beyond just thinking about our own self-growth, and our own individual transcendence, and understand how we can shift the societal culture to place an increasing value on self-actualization just the same or more important than the value we place on healthcare, safety, education etc. Imagine what kind of world would we have if more people were provided with the support and encouragement to make others’ lives better, through their own gifts?

In my programs, I teach and transmit what I believe are the 8 tenets of self actualization. I weave these concepts more deeply into my offerings because I believe that it is what is required for us to develop truly enlightened businesses and to uplevel our human consciousness as a whole and the way we collaborate, interact and relate to each other.

I believe that everyone has a right to be able to live by and learn how to incorporate more of these principals into their lives through releasing old programming, and receiving these wisdom codes that are not just expressions of principals, but actually energetic rewiring and rebooting of our physiological and energetic bodies.

Here are the 8 Tenets:

  1. Justice: The highest form of justice is the freedom to pursue our purposeful path. It is about learning the best forms of support and environment that help you embody your highest expression.

  2. Balance: Balancing ones desires, to balance masculine and feminine properties, to balance our brain and hormones in order to gain the ability to channel and act on your creative force.

  3. Receptivity: Understanding the "Game of Life" and giving exponentially as well as expanding your ability to receive. Accepting new ideas, and be open to different and higher conscious ways of thinking.

  4. Integrity: Connecting with your truth by learning to connect with your higher self. Understanding how to align with your values and core beliefs and peel back the layers that are not genuinely you.

  5. Authenticity: Being able to say the truth even when it makes us feel vulnerable. To stop being people pleasers but instead to share our emotions and connect in a heart-centered way.

  6. Sovereignty: Being an independent thinker or doer. To decide and pursue your objectives by using your 6 senses and to be your own leader by trusting your inner desires and repelling anything that stands in its way.

  7. Introspection: Looking at and appreciate the dark aspects within yourself in order to transmute it. To be aware of your thoughts, words and actions. To dive into understanding ourselves deeply.

  8. Observance: Creating sanctuaries, rituals, setting the mood in a way that connects us with the divine, abundance and our sense of awe and gratitude.

What do you think? I encourage you to reach out to join my community if you are interested to engage in discussion about this topic.